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Why a HeartCoach?

Cardiologists, nutritionists and other health experts have already warned us about the risk factors associated with heart disease, including:

The good news is that we can lower these risks and improve our chances for a longer, healthier life by changing our behavior. The bad news? It isn't always easy making these changes and sustaining them over time. Following a disciplined regimen of sound medical advice and proven behavior-change strategies is a serious challenge for most people, especially after years of eating an unhealthy diet or lack of exercise.

That's where we come in!
At HeartCoaches we help you embrace a healthy heart as the guiding principle for making important lifestyle changes. We start by matching you with your own HeartCoach-an experienced behavior-change practitioner who is well-versed in health and fitness protocols related to heart disease as well as the 'best practices' of coaching. Together, you and your HeartCoach focus on creating a heart-embracing lifestyle specifically tailored to improve your prospects for living a longer, healthier life.

Here's how it works:

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